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Friday, July 10, 2015

Classification of hotel

1.On the basic of size :this basic of classifications is based on the number of saleable room available in hotel .
a. Small hotel:    Hotels containing  1 to 25 salable room
b.Medium hotel: Hotels  containing  26th 100 salable room
c. Large hotel: Hotel containing 101 to 300 salable room
d.Very large hotel: Hotel containing more than 300 salable rooms

2 .on the basic of facilities and service provided: it is the most important classification because the facilities offered by the hotel plays a great importance when hotel adds facilities for guest it is up graded in its rating .this category basically encompasses the star provision rating system of the hotel.

a.Non star hotel: Star hotel basically covers the tourist standard hotel or accommodation units which should accommodation units which should accommodation  with the following and services:
1.should have clean and comfortable rooms
2.facility of room services
3.offer minimum facilities and services
4 .furniture will be luxurious
5.facilites of running hot and cold water supply in the rest room with attached bathroom
6.valent or laundry service
7.24 hours telephone service and front office service
8.telephone facilities in room

d.Resort: These hotels located at natural sites like hill side at sea beach jungle and forest lake side etc which may be far away from crowed areas and with the full view of natural beauties such hotel are very ideal for the long staying vacation guests nature lovers and the honey moon couple who are in the search of peaceful environment. The length of guest stay in such hotels are many depends upon the plan of the guests which may be stay one week to1 month .the room rates offered is moderated to high:
Location: Natural sites
Target group: natural  lover
Length of guest:1week to 1 month
Room rate: moderate to high
Special features: sporting facilities

e.Transit hotel: These hotel are located at the transit points usually in the airports,seaport and railway station etc.Such hotels are ideal for transit passengers with over night lay over who have few  hours to spend or the air lines passengers and the crew with the cancelled flights. The length of guest stay in such hotel may from 1 hours to 24 hours depending up on the length of transit and room rate is exclusively high
location:Transit points
target group:transit passengers
length of guest stay:1 to 24 hours
facility and services:moderate motormen
exclusively high
special features:exclusive outlet and VIP lounge.

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